
Openoffice draw synchronize grid to ruler
Openoffice draw synchronize grid to ruler

You really know your system backwards and forwards, in which case, why are I strongly suggest you accept the defaults unless If inĭoubt, select all of them and then come back here and delete those that justĮxternal Programs. Select the warnings you want to see on a regular basis. Select whether you will normally "print" to a file or to My computer makes fonts fuzzy if it is less than 10, so I raised my default. The minimum size before a font is anti-aliased (smoothed). (changes colors, mainly, but select something you'reĬomfortable with using - I find standard just fine). Adjust upward only if you have lots of inserted Not critical as the load into memory is fast enough that it scarcely affectsĬache for inserted objects. Adjust so it is comfortable for your usage. The default is listed as 00:10, meaning 0 hours andġ0 minutes. The time that memory is held before beingĬleared so something else can fit in - should not affect the document, itself,īut will affect objects, graphics and other non-text information not currentlyĭisplayed on the screen. Again, if you have memory problems (lock up), you may want to shrink the object before loading it, or, if that isn't possible, iincrease the memory available for objects here The default is 2.4MB which is more than enough for most uses. The amount of memory eaten up by a single object (graphic or other object). To shrink the graphic to the approximate size you will use in the document In some cases, you can use another program Adjust upward if it locks up when you add "too The amount of memory eaten up by the graphics in yourĭocument. I dropped it to 15, since it's irritating for me if it's up longer. HelpĪgent/Display duration: This is the OOo version of the dancing paperclip usedīy MicroSoft Word, only you can set how long it stays up. Year (Two Digits) - unless you have special needs, accept the default. User Data: Put in what information you want available for document Select Tools -> Options to set general options Issue Tracker and assign it to default owner If you want to suggest changes, or add material, please file an issue via The following is a draft it will be updated over the next couple of weeks.

Openoffice draw synchronize grid to ruler